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Myofascial Release Massage

Myofascial Release Massage focuses on finding and treating fixated trigger points, folded up fascia, calcifications, and inflammation. Bundled up fascia and tight muscle fibers can cause mild to severe pain.


Fixated connective tissues prevent the muscles and fascia layers from gliding properly. It's a tremendous relief to release bound up soft tissues and remodel them into more of viscoelastic condition for pain free movements.


Fascia healing can take a couple sessions and it can also take more than a year to heal and soften. If you have a lot of body stiffness you want to eat nutrient dense foods, omega-3, no processed foods, electrolyte hydration, monitor your nutritional levels, and do multi-dimensional stretching for life.

*** Please arrive same day showered with no fragrance perfumes, fragrance lotions, or hairspray, This space is a chemical free, endocrine disruption free environment for optimal health.

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