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Cupping Treatment

Cupping is an ancient healing method used across the world. The major benefit of cupping is to increase blood flow, which speeds up the rate of healing and recovery from stress, muscle fatigue, injuries, and pain. This treatment focuses on the neck, shoulders, and back. A thorough cupping has a way of pulling stress up and improving wellbeing.

Cupping helps treat:


Plantar fasciitis

Back, hip, and IT band pain

Pain in shoulders, upper back, and neck

Carpel Tunnel


Cupping can be used as a stand alone treatment or combined with massage. The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles and fascia, encourage blood flow, and calm the nervous system. It pulls up tension, relieves pain, eases stress, and promotes overall wellness.


*** Please come to your massage same day showered with no fragrance perfumes, fragrance lotions, or hairspray, This is a chemical free, endocrine disruption free environment for optimal health.

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